Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Rubber hitting the road

Or, as we Christians say...."Building one's life on the rock" and "Being a doer not only a hearer" or "walking the walk and talking the talk."

Because of the situation going on at my house, I am really committing to trusting in how the Bible says things work: praise destroying the enemy, the word being living and active, actively praying for someone who is actively hurting me, speaking to the mountain when praying as Jesus commanded in addition to talking to God about his promises, praying in tongues more, dwelling in God's word day and night, rejoicing always and not leaning to my own understanding. And there has been quite a spiritual battle going on. Cannot tell you how many weird, cruel, and just plain bizarre harassment the family has gotten....kind of like a demonic choreography of evil. But am totally trying to do things the Bible way....especially with simply praying and speaking the word instead of praying and speaking the problem.

My computer begins its day with one sermon and flows, via my son's hip hop sleazy anti-women songs, to other sermons. I suppose I could fiddle around and try to make the music program separate spiritual mp3 from hip-hop and other mp3's...but you know how it is...when you start fiddling around with some program or other and making playlists etc...well before you know it.... three hours go by.

In addition, I generally have my television turned on to gospel music channel or god tv. So the word is bursting off the walls around here.

Okay.... off to work on my WIP-C

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