Friday, April 08, 2011

General creative update and ponderings

Hi all:

Well, another update on creative bottleneck.

Am just so confused now about what to do with Cry for Hire, my pulley world story. My soul feels it's about a lonely rejected woman longing for connection even if with a strange little boy in some other reality. And she will lose this kid because he's a kid, not one to really be connected to her because as a kid he has his own life. So the window through which she sees his world is almost akin to the internet. But I could also just make the story all steampunk and not show her world at all and where we don't see the delineation between her world and the child's, where everything in the story occurs in his world. But my emotion is with the sense of loss and alienation and being far off from that world. Gotta think about that one.

Realized I did something in Night Wife that I would never ever ever let another writer get away with. I so want to challenge the demon lover idea. Just a Christian and as someone who has seen a real demon, I get annoyed with folks who don't take demons seriously or who don't see how seductively evil they are. The story is really in three stages. The first when he woos her and she marries him. The second when she realizes he's been a ghost all this time. The third when she realizes he's been a demon all this time. The reader discovers early enough that he might be a ghost and much of the first pages are flashback to when Lian  (ghost) and Jewel (MC) first met. But the question is...what is poor Jewel going to do with this problem? So what did I do? I skipped to her getting rid of him and him getting all demonic. I kinda wanted to spare Jewel the character torture... and wanted to spare myself as well because digging so deep into one's own sexual attraction fantasy issues is hard. But then ugh! realized the three stages aren't really there. And the second stage is so important. I want it to be like wooing someone with a drug issue. Enabling addiction metaphors. Then I want to go to the last stage where she realizes he is irrevocably evil. But NOOOOOOOOOO! I simply jumped to the ending. Need to add maybe 6000 more words to the ghost wooing section (and still make the readers want her to be with him) and another 6000 pages to the demon section. I sooo don't want to do that. But it seems to me that that is what the story wants. 

Other than that... realized the last section of CT, the poetry section, should be an epic poem. (yeah, i know... so stupid because epic poems can suck really badly if done ...well, badly.) We've seen the real life in the prose section and the poetry section must be the fantasy epic poetic "lying" section of the novel, where we see the lie of fantasy macho romantic hero...after we've seen the reality of bullying. Realized the poem as it now is is written in Ktwala's POV -- had thought it was the best thing to do-- but somehow it would be better if it was written in omni poetic epic so we can get a real overview...not just the victim's overview. 

Still have to decide if Dark Inheritance (Now called Daniel's Seventh Week) will be a YA "sweet" love story or an adult passionate may-july love story. Ah gee... gotta think. If it's a young adult story, then I'd have to make Danny the sole main character. The character feels older to me, though. But I really really really want to write a sweet little asexual mainstream love story. Every once in a while I see some movie on Hallmark channel that really is quite good. I love a good slice-o-life story. And seriously, there is just so many times one can see a story with some noble white woman trying to live her life while she takes care of some poor oppressed needy black woman. Also, I just feel the need to write a good story with a male Asian kid as the main character. Gotta think.  
Will see.

Am always aiming to do dangerous stuff but not quite sure I have the skill. Feeling that I'm beginning to have the health though. Which is saying much. For a while there I thought I was on my way out of this reality. But God isn't finished with me yet. 

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