Friday, May 30, 2008

Driving While Black

So yesterday was an interesting day....for me anyway. Cops in these parts are simply out of control. Not even thinking about the Sean Bell incident. I mean one teenage girl (from one of the wealthier towns around here) made a sex tape with her boyfriend. Cops were looking for something in her boyfriend's place, found the tape, forced her to look at it while they also looked on. The kid's family is suing and dang straight they shuld. Also: in Newburgh at least 14 people have died in police custody in the past year. Okay, what's that about? The town is absolutely tiny. And then there is the problem with my son. Between my son's tendency to speed, weird laws against tinted windows in cars, my son forgetting to pay his speeding tickets, cops doing the driving-while-black thing, and cops just going fishing (when you stop at the light and they are behind you, they just run your plates for the heck of it.) well, we have paid $1600 in car fines in the last three months. But the kicker was yesterday when a cop car stopped beside my son who had pulled over. Cop searched car, found nothing except a small penknife. Checked to see if penknife flicked open. Mercifully it didn't. Said to my son threateningly, "Hey, it's too bad this thing doesn't flick open cause I would've given you a ticket." Then proceeds to TAKE my son's wallet with $50 and drive away. Then cop returns to the precinct with the wallet and says, "we 'found' his wallet on the ground." $50 gone!!!!!! GONE, BABY, GONE!!!!! That was our food money, the cop took. Dang, I do not wish to go to the food pantry. But that's the way these cops are. They don't realize that folks need their money. I said to son, well, just accept it and pray for them. I might write the police cheif about it but it's our word against the cops'. At least, it'll be in the cops personnel file. I said to son, "Stop speeding because once they stop you, they can do anything they want to you...consider yourself lucky they didn't plant marijuana or crack on you." Dealing with cops just is no joke.


Anonymous said...

First of all I am so sorry for what happened to you and your son! I just can't fathom the wickedness of some of these cops. What state are you living in? Because here in Virginia, I was told that a cop in my old neighborhood saw a black guy walking and the cop dropped a bag of marijuana down by the dude's feet and proceeded to arrest the guy because the drug withing x amount of feet from him. I believe it happened too, because I saw a crooked cop arrest one of my family members when she was the one being abused! The story went like this: she came home from work to find homeboy banging down her door. I was watching her child at the time so I called her to tell her that somebody was bangin' on the door. My family hated that I didn't dial 911 first, but I did right after I called her, and they were thirty minutes late! By that time, the dude had her fingers in his mouth and he scared the mess out of the child-but by him having some kind of connection with the cops, guess who got arrested? The mother did. My family. it definitely sends the wrong message.

On another note continue to pray for your son and those cops and reiterate to your son how critical it is to obey the "laws of the land" as the Good Book commands us.

Carole McDonnell said...

Hi Anon:

Am in New York. A small town about 33 miles north.

Soooo annoying. But God gave the kid real patience. And my friend told him that this kind of stuff happens to everyone. So he doesn't feel picked on. But honestly!!!!

Thanks for the prayers. I so want this kid to think about things spiritually so he doesn't react in a worldly way.

BTW, some great sermons available for free download at Just click audio


Anonymous said...

Thanks, I will check out the sermons.

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