Saturday, May 31, 2008

The stuff Christian moms in the hood have to deal with

Okay, so this is my very talented son rapping. It's a totally raunchy song...and a joke. Do NOT watch it if you're touchy about sex or if you're a feminist. But to show you the stuff I deal with...

That's his friend, Mehmet in the picture and Mehmet's little brother. Isn't that girl singing in the VID talented? My favorite of my son's raps is a song called "Stay in yo place, ho." May I say that it's the kind of song that riles up my feminist friends. -C


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the video and the song! Your son is truly handsome-muy guapo.

I'm sure some people though would have a problem with the women being called a ho...It's one of those type songs that itches me wrong, But who am I to say? I will bang that joint up in my house like nobody's business because it sounds good.

Carole McDonnell said...

The words one hears in the hood and in one's house!!!!! When this kid talks on the phone with is friends.....if I hear the n-word one more time!

Yeah...the kid is handsome. His younger brother was way more handsome than this...but the illness --and the devil-- stole that. But what the thief stole can be restored. -C

Anonymous said...

Amen, Carole. The stuff taken will be restored. How is the book coming?

Carole McDonnell said...

Trying to believe in that possible restoration. It's been a tough life here...and that takes its toll on everyone.

The book is coming along. Yesterday, I found out the characters' world is built on words. Was surprised when that popped up. Wind Follower was about pentecostal Christianity and my love (and honoring) of the Bible. I think that managed well. This one seems to want to be about the power of words and sounds to create and destroy. The fun of words! That is why the narrator so wanted to be a personality...he is speaking words and he's trying to make his words influence the person he's telling the story to. So much so that he does these flaky asides. A weird conversation about airplanes suddenly popped up yesterday. It's feeling a bit like the French Lieutenant's Woman...It's just very fun. Part of it is cause I was a lit I like playing with styles. The other part is that there seems to be a story in the present between the narrator and his mentor and a story in the past between the characters. So it's fun. But am not sure what all is going on yet. Will see how the story turns out. Am really wanting to see what it's all about. Thanks for asking. -C

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