Sunday, January 18, 2009


Okay, I totally worry about myself. I have a total inability to go along with the herd. Why, oh why?

Two cases in point: When all the Christians were emailing each other about the evil Barack Obama, did I care? Nope. When they were all for the war -- I mean ALL the Christians I know were for this war-- I kept saying "No, God has shown me this war will only lead to people hating Christians, the Muslims being used as sufferers, and besides Christians are not supposed to be so connected to the world. Our real home is in heaven. The only reason God told us to pray for authorities was not because we have a city on a hill but because they were persecuting us."

When all the Black folks are emailing each other and weeping with joy that Barack Obama is president, what is yours truly doing? Standing back and watching. I just can't get into the entire hoopla. I pray for him, of course. One day I hope to like him, but I honestly doubt I will. God let me give this guy a chance.

So why can't I be swept along by the herd-mind? I think this has a lot to do with having been sick for so long. It takes one's mind away from earthly things. One realizes there is only one savior: not Bush, not America, not Obama. One realizes the lies in the world, that the American dream is merely greed. So that's the good part. The bad part, of course -- and why oh why am I going to admit this on my blog when I know I'm only going to get a judgmental person agreeing with me as if to enlighten me? They gloss over the fact that I've been sick and go on to blaming me for not being as they would be if they were in my position--

oh where was I? Yes, the bad part of this is that A) it's a lonely feeling. I'd like to be like the herd and B) while much of this alienation is good because a christian should be separated from certain's probably not all good. I'm sure I've been cold to things that have made folks jump for joy. (When it's a lotta folks all sharing the joy, it's perhaps not so bad. But if/when I've been cold to the joys of a particular person...well, it just shows how cruel sickness and hurt can be. It just kills your sense of joy in everything. It's hard to endure 20 years of sickness and seeing one's kid sick every day and be peppy.)

7Two things have I required of thee; deny me them not before I die:

8Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me:

9Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain.

Last night hubby and I were awake. As usual. I fall asleep around 10 ish and wake up around 12 ish then am up all night. Either I pray or listen to sermons or wake hubby and ask for sex so I can sleep. So last night I woke hubby. We talked about thanksgiving. We really found so much to be thankful for. For instance, I am genuinely happy that I sleep for two hours. IT could be worse. It has been worse. 14 days straight with no sleep. (And yes, I am very kind when someone tells me she slept only 7 hours in a single night. I don't get into comparative mode. I'm not really like that. I don't say "I suffer much more than that." I'm actually quite nice. We thanked God that we endured so much and are still madly in love (okay, I'm also in love with some pixellated guys but I'm working on it.) But honestly, when we hear of folks who have divorced because of money issues, or sick child issues, or evil mother-in-law issues, we are amazed cause we went through all that and survived. God's grace was not missing in those folks' lives but somehow, they didn't survive. We thank God that we endured some hard financial times and learned to eat beans and rice. Hey, if the US economy goes under, we won't be complaining because we got used to that. And learned to eat healthily. We praised God that we have grown closer to him. Hey, I was always religious but heck. . . would I have gone to heaven if I died? I think many good religious people are probably surprised on their deathbed to know they didn't love God or his word enough, or that they trusted in their own righteousness to get to heaven. Hubby and I have gone through a lot...and we really have been stripped bare. So, heck, who knows if I would be this close to God if life hadn't been particularly shitty?

So yeah, I'm alienated from the just hoping I'm not tainted by it (by being bitter) and am not so full of physical pain that I can't rejoice with those who rejoice. As always, God is still working on me.


Gary Wood said...

You are not alone in the way you think. While reading the post I thought I was reading my own thoughts. And I am not the judgemental guy agreeing with you to enlighten you.

Carole McDonnell said...

Oh Gary, you made me smile! And you gave me my first big laugh of the day! Glad to know you aren't judging me. Would've stressed me out to know perfect Christian eyes were watching me. God bless and have a great week. -C

Lisa said...

No need to go with the herd if the herd isn't going in the direction that interest you!

However, I've gotten the impression that you are happy about Obama winning.

I feel like your heart is color blind, perhaps you are resistant to following the herd because they are following a color. How about just looking at the good man? That's all I see: a good man. At the very least, he's got to be better than Bush.

Carole McDonnell said...

Hi Lisa!

How goes? Yeah, I am pretty color-blind. Maybe that's it. I suppose I am glad it's Obama. I really dislike the war. I'd see all these new shows with dead young Americans and I'd be very upset about it. I don't mind war if it's a good war with a good purpose but Osama is still alive and all those American kids are dead and it doesn't look as if the war will serve any good except killing Saddam. Iraq will be no better off when we leave.

Hope all is well. -C

Anonymous said...

Hey Carole:

I was happy for five minutes when Obama won, but as I've said before, the black men began to behave a bit arrogantly because of Obama's winning. I don't blame Obama personally, but I pray for him because he does have a lot of pressure on his shoulders and he needs support. Whether he is black, white, hispanic, etc.

Personally, I hate war. I'm not sure why most Christians love the thought of going to war for everything. Some, I understand..but after a while, I simply don't see the purpose.

Great Post.

Dawn Fortune said...

"God let me give this guy a chance"

That is the most honest prayer anyone could ask you to make. Please god, please help me not to judge others. Help me to give them a chance to do the right thing. How often do I feel like someone has pre-judged me because of what they know or think they know about me, but who never gave me a chance to do the right thing? I like to think I am a kind person, and it is frustrating when people think I might not be kind to them because they are of a different faith or social group or whatever than I am. God, let us give this guy, and each other, a chance. Thank you for a wonderful post.

Carole McDonnell said...

Hi Dawn:

I think the problem with trusting others is individual. I've spent much of my life giving people the benefit of the doubt over and over... and distrusting my basic instincts. That got me into a lot of trouble. And God had to teach me the balance. We shouldn't judge others...but at the same time we should know how to judge if we're going to get hurt. Even Jesus said we should be careful not to cast our pearls before swine.

So far I've seen Barack do some stuff I don't like. He's for abortion even if the baby is more than six months old. He tossed his old pastor under the bus. And he's for the death penalty. So all my hope of him not behaving like bush and pardoning folks is pretty much gone down the drain. So in Barack's case, it's not a case of judging someone before I know him. It's liking him in spite of the fact that I already know he's not the guy I'd like.

I don't think Black folks are able to see him clearly because of the plain fact that he's black. Sad but true. Race deceives us, ust as Bush being a so-called religious person deceived the white christians.

It is a good thing in life to trust one's instincts. -C

Carole McDonnell said...

Hi Erica: I pray for Obama. I tell my Christian friends on Christian networks to pray for him. They argue with me. So I'm not totally against the idea that he could change. And it's funny because I find myself defending him among white Christians and challenging him when I'm around black Christians. Because as Christians we're supposed to see the truth and to belong only to God's party. Not our race or our country or our denomination.

I think the hard thing in this world is to be one's self. To be part of a group and yet to be one's self. The world is so tribal. I totally believe black Christian folks can be deceived easily...just make the person black and they jump to defend them. And Christian folks can be deceived...just make the person a "christian" and the tribal mind pops in. God has called me to be honest, real, to cling only to my heavenly tribe...the inhabitants of heaven.

Carole McDonnell said...

I am utterly, utterly, utterly convinced that it might take a big deception coming to black folks --through a black politician-- for us to stop thinking racially. And it might take a big deception coming to Christian folks -- through a so-called Christian-- for us to stop thinking Christian-politically.

When I said to my christian friends that Bush's war on Iraq would cause Christianity to be called evil and for people to turn to Islam because Muslims would be seen as victims, they didn't believe me.

Now I say to Black folks that by the end of Barack's term-- if we do not pray for him-- we Blacks will be in terrible shape. People don't want to believe that. But I know whereof I speak.

Deception is so easy...and we have to really pray not to be deceived.

Anonymous said...

Really great point to make, about Chritians being seen as evil.

Really scary.

Carole McDonnell said...

Hi Erica!

Ah, woman! The devil can use anything...and can cause us to do perform a purpose.

I am praying now for President Elect Obama's safety and wisdom. I just don't trust the racist portions of America.

I totally believe Pres Bush started out unsaved and grew to know and love God more as the years went on. So I believe President Obama can also grow in wisdom. Unlike my white christian friends I haven't written him off. I distrust him now...but tomorrow he will grow. God isn't finished with him yet. And I'm waiting for the day when he tells everyone he no longer believes in abortion. God is working.


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