One Church Many Tribes - Following Jesus The Way God Made You by Richard Twiss Our Price: $11.75 On Sale: $9.99 READ SHPPING POLICY
Here's his statement on the website
Our Vision: To live meaningful lives as followers of Jesus and encourage others in their journey toward healthy relationships with God, community, other ethnic groups, and creation. Our Aspirations: In the spirit of Jesus to assist indigenous peoples in walking with Creator that results in wholeness and health in every sphere of human activity. To network with Native and non-Native leaders to develop culturally appropriate approaches to living out a biblical faith while honoring the cultural expressions of First Nations peoples. To see Indigenous traditions and worldview values embraced as a vital influence in shaping Christendom throughout the Americas. To serve the global community of God as a bridge builder and consulting resource for developing genuine community, unity, consciousness of social justice, creation stewardship and mutuality among diverse peoples. Our Intentions: To develop biblical education models, materials, national seminars and learning centers to provide indigenous people with a biblical framework that resonates with the global conversation around discovering a post-colonial theology that incorporate the values and structures of Native people throughout North, Central South America and beyond. To organize and lead international Native Dance and Performing Arts Team(s), to share the beauty of our cultures, tribal and personal stories to build bridges of peace and understanding in the global community. To encourage, promote, and facilitate the producing of praise & worship music that utilizes traditional Native sounds and styles. Our Biblical Values: We believe that Creator exists within himself as community; God-the-Father, God-the-the Son, and God-the-Holy Spirit. God is Author, Creator, and Sustainer of all human and non-human creation. We believe the Biblical story is God's self-revelation to humankind and that it is for all peoples and all languages everywhere as the sacred writings of God. We believe that humankind was created in the image of God, but because of pride and rebellion, rejected the Creator’s path of beauty, wandering in darkness and alienation from God. Jesus performed the "once and for all ceremony" through His death on a cross, and resurrection from the dead. By this He defeated the power of death and made a way for all tribes and nations to return to a loving relationship within the community of Heaven. Wiconi International PO Box 5246 Vancouver, WA 98668
"we-cho-nee" Lakota/Sioux language meaning "Life" HECEL LENA OYATE KIN NIPI KTE “THAT THESE PEOPLE MAY LIVE” The thief comes only to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10 These words of Jesus, the Waymaker, convey the heart and passion of Katherine and I, and the entire staff of Wiconi International. Our First Nations people know what it means to suffer the loss of land, dignity, self-respect, life and a way of living. Though this has sadly become the normal every day reality for our people, our aim is help make a positive difference for future generations of Native people. Jesus brings power and hope for a better tomorrow. He does not bring religion, legalism, shame, oppression or paternalism, though sadly, Christianity often does. Our prayer is that people may live, and live in abundance, spirit, soul and body! In the spirit of Jesus we want to assist people in experiencing ultimate freedom, and deliverance from the powers of darkness that still prevail in our lands and communities; this evil is seen in the alcohol and drug abuse, incest, suicide, poverty and despair. There are dark and evil spirits that are stealing, killing and destroying our people every day. In addition, there are oppressive and unjust economic and political systems that continue to prolong dependency and control. At Wiconi International, we are working and praying to find better ways to support and empower people to find true genuine, hope and confidence for a better tomorrow. It is a freedom that affirms, embraces and respects the unique and God-given cultural realities of our people, not rejecting or demonizing them. We hope to inspire people with a fresh vision about the possibilities that exist to make a dynamic positive contribution for Christ by walking among our people “in a good way.” We can proudly say that on our site you will find some of the best resources available for those interested in walking among Native people in a good way that reflects the life of Jesus in a culturally relevant and contextual way. At our "Resources" page you can read descriptions of each book, cassette tape, video, CD, VBS curriculum workbook and children's books. Pilamaya yelo - thank you – Richard & Katherine Twiss, Rosebud Lakota/Sioux President & Vice-president, Wiconi International
I totally totally LOOOOOVE Pastor Twiss. I DEFINITELY recommend going to the site. I've seen white folks cringe when he gives sermons on TBN. He'll say things like "Do you think I wanted to get involved with the God who had sent white people to 'the promised land' to destroy my people? Hey, when I read the Bible I'm aware that we are the Amorites and the canaanites and all those people who were not the "imperialist nations." He is sooo good. Very Christian, very honest. Not bitter but he tells it like it is. He has a newsletter called Smoke signals. And a youtube channel Here's a great vid of him He's totally totally a Bible believer, though. But he understands stuff from the position of the oppressed not from the side of the oppressor. And he and wiconi do a lot of christian pow wows. They're part of the world christian gathering of indigenous people. Christianity lived through the culture of indigenous peoples, not through western cultures. He always says, "The white man came to our culture and said, 'your culture is the devil's culture. You must get rid of it and your language.' But why should I give up my tainted culture to take on the tainted culture of the white man?" I just love him.
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