Friday, April 25, 2008

Kitty update

Well, BathSheba (two week old kitty, called Sheba and She for short) is quite the fearless thing! She struts past Hemotep (8 month old pit-bull, called Hemo) and taunts him. Then they get into this chase game. She gave him a big slap across the nose a couple of times. I just love this cat. You should have seen her eating her milk and niblets in her saucer. Didn't give a fig about Hemo hovering over her. Definitely a case of "you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies." Looking good.


Lisa said...

Two weeks? Did you mean months? I'm fostering 5 kittens, they're currently about 4 weeks and they aren't eating out of bowls yet nor do they strut!
Is Sheba the only one of the litter?

Carole McDonnell said... neighbor who gave me said she was born two weeks ago. (Now..3 weeks.) So, all i have is her word to go on. Nah, she had other brothers i think. Have a great week, btw. -C

Lisa said...

Are you bottling feeding her? Kittens still drink milk up to six weeks. They start on solids around 5 weeks but they still need milk. Not sure when exactly they stop.

My vet once told me that they gain about a pound a month. I read online in the first few weeks they gain about a 1/2 ounce a day.

Carole McDonnell said...

I give her dry kitty food soaked in goat milk. She seems to be able to eat them. Now you have me wondering if she's older than Maddie says. She's pretty tiny though. -C

Lisa said...

I suspect the cat is older than 2 weeks.
The kittens that I'm fostering are now 4 weeks.

here's an article about kitten growth and care up to 6 weeks.

It states that around 5 weeks they can walk without wobbling around so much.
post some pictures!!! Love pictures

Carole McDonnell said...

Wow!!! Uhm. Thanks. Okay, it looks like she's probably around 6 or 7 weeks. She's quite the leaper. Thanks. -C

Lisa said...

you're welcome.

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