Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I dreamed of sitting at a table and someone said to me: "This is what she saw." I looked and saw a woman wearing a gold hat that seemed a bit like a crown and a bit like a church hat. Attached to it was a gold orb that pretty much made it hard for her to see because the orb was so big. And on her lips were bits that horses might wear but they were made of silver and had jewels in them.

I think this has to do with

A) Be not as a horse whose mouth must be kept with a bit and bridle
2) Zechariah, the Father of John the Baptist, had a bit put in his mouth because he doubted so much the angel Gabriel had to close his mouth lest he say something negative and cancel the miraculous seed God had planted.
3) The wise woman -- in the book of Kings-- whose son died in her arms did not say anything about the situation when asked how her son was. She simply rode off to Elijah...and even then said nothing.

I feel God has been really showing me the power of affirming His word and His word only.

To him who ordereth his conversation aright I will show the salvation of the Lord.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord My strength, and my redeemer.

God has promised good to me, and told me to expect great things. I have to speak faith.

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