Okay, it's the first day of December and I am committing to praising my Lord every day.
Today, I got a doggie. A pit bull. Not a dog I would like. Not a dog I would even seek out. But you know how kids are. They bring stuff home. Mercifully, I'm only keeping this dog until son and his friends find a new house or apartment to rent. Here's a photo of son with doggie -- when doggie was a cute little baby. Doggie is supposed to stay here until his real owner finds a place to live. So that could mean a month from now or two months. Who knows with these kids? And who knows what effect this will have on younger son who at present is running around the house with doggie hot on his tale? Yeah, the kid is terrified but he's got to learn to conquer his fears. Especially with a doggie as sweet and obedient as hemo.
So, let me praise and thank my Lord for this dog and for unwelcomed interruptions. That's what C S Lewis called it: the miracle of unwelcomed interruptions.
I've grown over the years to be a bit more obedient and submissive to interruptions. I remind myself that God is the time keeper. My times are in His hand. If a talkative friend calls me just when I'm going out the door, I accept it. Perhaps not with as much joy as I should, but I accept it as something from the hand of God. Who knows? Maybe because of the interruption I will meet someone on the road I wouldn't have met. Maybe because of the interruption, I will avoid some person or tragedy. One never knows.
And I guess that's what it's really about. Praising God for what one never knows. His providence for us, His protection, His love...are things we will never fully understand on this side of the sun. So I will bless the Lord for this little -- pardon me, BIG-- doggie in my kitchen. In all things, God's love is working in my life.
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