Thursday, December 13, 2007

Praise God for memories

I suspect God created memories in order that we might remember good things. But that's in a perfect world. Our memories remember many bad things now...since we're on earth. Some of these memories of bad things (in the past) protect us from evil and teach us how to walk in the future. Some of these memories lead to bitterness or fear.

Well, I was reminded again about the goodness of memories.

I was in one of my depressed "without hope" kinda moods. I kept thinking about my health, my son's health, money, etc. I was on the way to despair:

Then I remembered that the Lord was my rock.

I love that verse. The Bible is always full of people remembering stuff. In fact, when God creates a holiday, he says "remember how your Lord did thus and so therefore make this day a day of remembrance."
In the Bible, unbelief isn't equated with some great intellectual aspect of man. It is equated with forgetting. People become atheistic fools because they have forgotten some great good that God did for them.
Think of how the Israelites fell into sin when they forgot the Lord their God after Moses died.

Well, I was in a state last night. Grieving, crying, and generally assuming the future will be bad because the present is bad. Then I remembered that the Lord is my rock. I would have fainted but I believe I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Why? Because A) I remember goodness He has done for me in the past. B) Because I remember the testimonies of his saints, those who held on to their faith. Praise ye the Lord.

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